Friday, July 6, 2012

Fill in the Blank Friday

It's been a few weeks since I hopped on the Fill the Blanks train, so you might notice a small change to Lauren's format. I think I like it better. A whole post on one subject, rather than filling in a few words. Good Job Lauren! Head on over to her place, The Little Things We Do to join the fun. And happy weekend!

"If I could get away for the day, I would go...."


Not that I have the money to do so, but I miss the days of shopping without a baby/toddler in tow. The Goose is a very happy and easy going child for the most part, but being in a shopping cart or a stroller in stores is not his cup of tea. I can’t say that I blame the kid.
The Goose is a boy, through and through. He’s all energy, all the time. So being confined to a shopping cart or his stroller while I browse, and having to see the long aisles where he could be running amok, well, he just about loses his cool. Food shopping tends to be a bit less of a challenge (thank God, b/c we’ve got no choice on that one), but even still, I always try to plan the big grocery shops for when there are two of us home and I can go alone – which is rare.
If I could choose a place to go shopping by myself – it’d probably be Ikea or to an outlet center. Get lunch by myself, take my time. God, would that be great.
And then I’d come home and be all refreshed and ready for the Goose’s runaround, crazy, adorable antics. And I’d enjoy it even more because I would have missed him like crazy!

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