Friday, August 3, 2012

Fill in the Blank Friday

Jumping back on this bandwagon. Kind of loving these blanks. They're deep, man. Join the fun and head over to  Lauren's place - The Little Things We Do. Before I leave you with the fillin' fun, let it be said that my lack of a wisdom tooth is still causing me a world full of pain. It's not infected, so my only assumption left to make is that I do not in fact, contrary to my lifelong belief, have a high tolerance for pain. That can be the only answer. Because I am told by every person I meet that I should not be in pain anymore. Thoughts? Am I wuss or could this be legit? In fairness, I did have a pretty gnarly extraction, but is this normal?
Okay, on to the fun...

1.  I am proud of   M. He’s been through a very emotional rollercoaster, not to mention physically, as well. He’s the best husband and father and is always so selfless. It’s been especially tough on him lately and I’m just so proud to be his wife  .

2.   This weekend I will   Maybe see some family and looking forward to seeing some friends I haven’t seen in a while    .

3.  A secret dream I have is    but that I also don’t really think I would totally enjoy as real life, is to have a large troop of kids and live on a farm in the middle of nowhere. It’s a non-realistic dream, because I’m such a city girl and would most likely not last more than one day. But doesn’t that just sound so sweet?
4. I can't handle    drama. I know everyone says that, typically people who actually live in a world of drama, but I truly mean it. I like to live my life very low key, and have quickly lost touch with people who involve themselves in drama. There’s nothing exciting about confrontations and I’d rather back down and walk away knowing I was right, but not having to prove it. I’m very private and try to stay out of others’ business as well.

5. The most annoying thing in the entire world is   ignorance. What is the purpose of thinking you know it all or that your way of thinking is the best and only way?

6. The most relaxing thing in the entire world is   
taking a nap midday. I’ve probably taken about three since I was pregnant (I slept all the damn time). I just can’t manage to fall asleep midday, but on the rare occasion that I have, I remember thinking it was the most peaceful feeling. My latest was with the Goose on a day visit to LBI shore and I literally teared up at how lovely and peaceful the moment was.
7.  I think everyone should   aim to live more simply. I’m no expert, by far, but it just seems like everything today is so out of control – the electronics, the gadgets, the toys, the processed foods, the STUFF. I know we’d be lost without modern advancement, but all this greed and STUFF is driving me crazy!

Have a great weekend folks!
PS - how is it August?
PPS - I am not pregnant...that I know of yet. Just thought I'd update.

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