Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I Heart Faces Photo Challenge

It's been way too long, sorry folks. We've got a very sick kiddo on board (like, super high fever, take cold baths and wake-him-up-for-medicine-so-he-won't-dehydrate type of sick).  His fever should break by tomorrow or we're back to the doctors to do more tests. In the meantime, snuggles and kisses are helping.

I saw this week's photo challenge over at I Heart Faces and it was right on target for pictures I've been trying to capture. The theme is "a touch of light". I've been "practicing" and playing around with sun flare in some of my pictures and was so excited for this theme. Again, I'm still learning, so of course this picture isn't all it could be (in fact, there's not nearly as much sun flare as I'd hoped), but I'm pretty damn proud and I absolutely love it. AAAnnnd, remember how I told you in my last photo challenge entry that our dog Bailey was near impossible to capture, let alone capture in a good picture? Well, here she is! Finally.
I love this pic because Bailey is pretty old, and we're not too sure how much longer she'll be with us. I'm always trying to take as many pics as I can with her and the Goose so that he'll have plenty of pictures with her, the best dog in the world. And I'm pretty sure this is frameworthy around these parts, so we'll truly cherish it.

Words over. Picture starts:


  1. The leash in his little hands:) Precious!

  2. Beautiful capture.I love how your baby is holding the dog. I also kinda wonder what they are looking at.

  3. Thanks folks. They're both looking at who else, but Dad.
