I am utterly obsessed with a few things. Here they are in no particular order (except for #1, he's always gonna be my numero uno)
-The Goose - who, btw, is the cutest baby in the entire history and future of all babies. I'm not just saying this. It is a fact.
-Amazon Prime - Free shipping? Yes please! In 2 days or less? Uuummm, eff yes! Lowest prices and just about everything you're looking to buy? Let's get married.
-Chocolate - I must have some every day. This is not an exaggeration. Chocolate is like air to me. It can be eaten as a snack, as breakfast, as a drink. Whatever. Gimmesomerightnow. Everyday.
-Breastmilk (if you're not into baby stuff and how they are fed, then just cancel out this window and never come back) Obvs, not for me, but for Goose. I don't actually breastfeed, I pump. I'm crazy like that, but I am completely OCD about getting enough, how many bottles are always on hand, how much of a stash I have (we literally bought a deep freezer because of how large it is) and all that fun stuff. Apparently I not only accept being a cow, I live for it.
- Eating - I am consumed by consumption. No, I am not a foodie. I don't love trying new things, don't have an expansive palate, enjoy the same ole things, and love just about everything I'm not supposed to. I just love to eat. At breakfast I am thinking about lunch. Lunch, I'm thinking about dinner...and so on. I live to eat, for sure.
-Happiness - Sounds simple. It is. In everything I do, I try to find happiness. I fail at it a lot of the time, but I'm awesome at it in other ways. This blog will cover a lot of what I'm trying to change in my life right now to get there, career and otherwise.
Now that we've established those few quirks, let's move on to the boring, finer details of my personality. I wish I knew where to begin.
I am what I've come to know as a stubborn Irish lass. I love to drink alcohol (or did, now that I'm a cow and all) and am very good at it. I am ruthlessly stubborn and my husband, M, takes the brunt of it (though no one and nothing is safe, to be honest). I am strong minded and sometimes nuerotic, but overall I think I'm a pretty laid back person and try to go with the flow (is that even possible?). My personality is very different from who I was growing up. I was quiet and shy without a care in the world - literally. But add a little age and apparently I become a loud and anal alcoholic. I might be overexaggerating, but I'm just trying to boil it down to fact here, folks.
I love M with every fiber of my being, though I'm not the best at always showing it. He's literally the man I dreamt about as a little girl and I don't think there is anyone else in this world that could love me (or put up with me) just the way that he does. I am, quite honestly, the luckiest girl in the world. I should mention this to him I suppose, huh?
The Goose is literally the reason I was born, I am convinced. He's my every thought and emotion and I don't know how I went through the past 27 years of my life not knowing him. My soul is intertwined with his and I am a better person for having birthed him. He's my life, my love, my everything. He made me a mother and I am so grateful that this little being found me.
Okay, sapfest over.
I love bad reality TV, like all those housewives shows. But, to balance it out, I also love to read. I am NOT an athletic or outdoorsy person (unless you count the beach). I will take laying-on-the-couch-with-remote-in-hand over put-on-sneakers-and-go-for-a-walk just about anyday. Unless you guilt me because it's a nice day out. Guilt about good weather almost always works. I hate to excersize and just about never do. I mean it. I'm pretty unhealthy. I'm sure it will bite me in the ass in the near future, but for right now I'm happy.
I've always loved creative things, but somehow ended up in the most uncreative line of work possible - exec assistant in a business media company. I'm lucky because my boss is the nicest man alive, which is rare because he's "kind of a big deal". Generally, before the Goose came into my life, I was happy with work. Now, the thought of spending so much time away from him doing something that I don't absolutely love and have a passion for...well, it's soul sucking. So, I'm just now starting to make some changes. In the meantime, it's Daddy daycare and Grandmas hugs that get my boy through the workweek. Luckily I only work 4 days a week (four 13-14 hour mothereffing days, but whose counting?)
I think I've word vomitted enough about myself for one sitting, no? I think yes. More to come.
In the meantime, check out my Pinterest to see my other obsessions and for some glorious eye candy.
And if you made it through all of that you deserve more than a cookie, so here

via Kevin&Amanda
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