Friday, October 28, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

Link up with Lauren here.

1.   When I was a kid I wanted to be      a my little pony when I grew up. Obvi, I was disappointed when my parent's re-explained the phrase "you can be anything you want to be when you grow up"
2.   As an adult, my dream job would be   a stay at home mom with an at home photography/graphic design business.

3.  W hen I was younger I wanted to be just like  my brother, probably   .

4. The childhood Halloween costume that I remember most was when I was    smurfette. It's cute and all, but being covered in blue makeup head to toe with a white slip on is only fun for about 5 minutes and the pictures/memories. Thanks Mom!

5.  My favorite childhood toy was    any type of doll/figurine. Or my stuffed gund dog, Raspberry (omg gotta find him, I still have him somewhere!).

6.  The time I got into the biggest amount of trouble when I was a kid was when I    got caught in a lie, with my brother. It involved apologizing to our friend's parents and it was honestly the worst punishment ever. I'm pretty sure my parents are geniuses because I remember that feeling and it's kept me an honest woman up until this day. 

7.  I get daily inspiration from    bloggers, Pinterest, people on the street, my little boy, my mom, never ends.

Get spooky and have some good old safe fun this weekend! Happy Halloweenie!

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