Friday, January 20, 2012


...and who doesn't? Etsy has the same effect on my mind as Pinterest - what did I DO before it existed?

Today I made two purchases...quite a lot for the penny pincher I am.
The first was somewhat of an impulse buy, but in way was also thought out. I was just reading this post over on Our Little Beehive (a new favorite of mine) about eco-friendly and budget saving "unpapertowels". I had been seeing cloth paper towels all over the internet for months, and kept thinking to myself that it was such a great idea, but never looked into it much. Frankly, all the ones I saw looked pretty impractical for our house. Some were made with pretty fabric and/or fleece or lambswool. Some were shown stored right on the papertowel holder that just about every home has, but still seemed more hype and trendiness than actual practicality. Admittedly, I was probably being ignorant, but I just never thought it would be worth it. But sure enough, everytime I'm in the grocery store dropping 15 bucks on an 18 pack of papertowels (and that's WITH coupons, folks - gotta love NY prices), I swear to myself I'll look into cloth paper towels.
Fast forward to today, and I'm reading OLB's post. And I check out her link to the Etsy site where she bought her "unpaper towels". And they're not hypey (I swear it's a real word) or trendy. They look...actually... pretty practical.

AAAaaand I'm sold! I did not talk to M about it. I did not talk to my own brain about it. I just decided I was in. I went on over to Love for Earth (because OLB seems to have done their research and I didn't want to do anymore.Lazy) and started with the smallest package. I figure I'll start small so that M doesn't push back too hard. And that way if, for some reason, they don't work out in our home, it won't be a huge loss. One step closer to hippie status.

The second purchase was a little cutie that had been sitting on my favorite items list for quite some time. And when I impulse-bought those unpapertowels, I figured "why the hell not", got trigger happy, and purchased this little gal:

I think she'll fit in perfectly with my plate collection gallery (safe bet, considering it only consists of Chase right now). Actually, I found her when the Delilah plates went out of stock, but with no other plates in sight I never went ahead and pulled the trigger. The plate collection gallery saga continues...

That is all.
Happy Friday!

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