Friday, August 24, 2012

6 weeks

6 Weeks 

How far along? 6weeks 1 day - already posting these late, yikes!

Total weight gain? Still no weight info.

Maternity clothes? No, but the bloat is out of control. I could very well be paranoid, but I think people are literally checking out my gut.

Best moment this week? figuring out the midwife situation. I met with the midwife covered by my insurance, because no matter how things played out, I'd have to see her for at least my first trimester until we decided to switch insurance (if that's what we decided). It turns out, I loved her. Her bad reviews were all based off of personality and aspects of her protocol - both of which are a fit for me (she's deep, deep into the holistic stuff. It was clear the reviewers did not appreciate this). I cannot put into words what a sense of relief and excitement it is to meet with someone who sees things exactly as I do. It's as though I was speaking a foreign language to M, my parents, and doctors about my birth the last time around, and I've finally found someone who speaks the same language as me. I literally cried. M thought I was crazy, but I've never expected him to completely understand how important a natural birth (and a natural lifestyle in general) is to me, so I wasn't shocked at his reaction. It's like finally being able to breath. Dare I say I'm looking forward to this birth??? Quite dramatic, but totally true. Luckily, M is totally on board, and I feel that everyday he understands more and more.

Symptoms? falling asleep at 9:00 at night is different, but definitely a symptom I'm enjoying.

Cravings? Anything with american cheese. Grilled cheese, preferably. But everything else I'm eating is pretty healthy and somehow the last thing I want is chocolate or any type of "treat". Also craving seafood, but obviously taking it easy there. It doesn't help that M just picked up a fishing habit and comes home with fresh fish regularly.

Sleep? Glorious

Milestones/What's going on with Baby? The nose, mouth and ears are taking shape, as are the intenstines and what will eventually become his/her lungs. Little one is about the size of a lentil bean. Gotta love those fruit/food comparisons!

What are you most looking forward to this week? The Goose is beyond ready for a big bed. We've been noticing that he's slowly looking more and more uncomfortable in his crib. He tosses and turns looking for a comfy spot. Our observations point to the hard  crib mattress. He's always looking for softer things to lay on - blankets and stuffed animals. Seriuosly, kid has become a stuffed animal bedtime hoarder. And I'm not crazy about him being surrounded by stuffed animals in his sleep. Overall, his sleep is starting to suffer: he's always trying to get in our bed (which he's slept in all of one time for a nap, ever), he's waking up an hour earlier but not making up the time, and he just seems a little tired all day. I honestly don't know how the transition will go. He thoroughly enjoys putting himself to sleep, but he's always loved his crib. I hope the new bed doesn't mess with his great sleeping habits more than his discomfort in the crib does now. He's always transitioned to new situations very well, so I'm hoping this will go mostly okay. We'll be buying it tomorrow (Saturday), so hopefully, if there's a bad transition it will only take one night (one can dream right?). That way, if we have to suffer on no sleep, it will be a Sunday. Back to work on Monday! We're skipping the whole toddler bed and going straight to a twin bed. We don't have a need for more than necessary in this bungalow, and we often buy things that will be used for a longer time, rather than for certain phases.

I promise I'm putting together a post for the Goose's's coming, it's coming!

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