Monday, June 6, 2011

Commuter Chronicles, Kick-off

Commuter Chronicles post numero uno.

I’ve seen this woman before and she seems like an old, bitchier version of a negative Nancy. And to be truly judgmental, I will add that she’s got a -40 in the looks department (we’re talking a perm-mullet, people). Today’s topic of discussion: A very heated argument with her significant other. What truly makes this encounter ridiculous is probably more about the volume of her voice than the story. She was essentially scream-talking (every commuter’s nightmare). The whole train car was in for the ride, and we couldn’t do a damn thing about it.

Her man must have something going on at work, because she’s done absolutely nothing to piss him off. I mean, it’s not like she cheated on him, or stopped having sex with him. How dare he come home and close the basement door. Doesn’t he know how hot it gets down there when she’s doing laundry? Of course he needed to be screamed at and told he’s a selfish dick for doing such a thing. He needs to pull the stick out of his ass and then apologize. The nerve of him, thinking that asking her to a Broadway show the next day is an apology. If he wants to play these games, then GAME ON. She’s so sick and tired of him being such an ass to her. These issues have been going on forever and she’s not going to stand for it any.more.

Repeat over, and over, and over again. Anger and volume increasing with each repetition.

…it’s not even 8:30am…

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