Thursday, July 7, 2011

Baptism Invites

I'm hoping to get a lot of my Baptism details posted this week and I figured I'd start with where it all begins - the invites. I DIY'ed them and I'm pretty darn proud.
I have to first tell you that I've done invites and cards and whatnot many times before on my own. It's fairly easy and fun, in my eyes. Another creative outlet. Here's the noteworthy part - I don't know how to use Photoshop, Illustrator or whatever else you would traditionally use to make any type of paper product. I honestly don't even know all the names of the programs you could use. Think I'm crazy? That's okay, I know I am. I use a lot of manipulation between MS Powerpoint and Word...and sometimes the very basic program of Paint that comes with even the simplest of computers. I've gotten very proficient with these programs and I gets da job done...I think. My invites are never fancy and I try not to involve too many intricate details or colors (the printer I use is pretty basic), so my process seems to work for me. I'm sure there are those of you who are thinking "what the eff?" or snorting at my not-even-beginner style of creating, but it works for me and I hope to change it all soon anyway.
Moving on...
I wanted something very simple and clean with the Goose's picture on it (cuz I'd put his damn gorgeous face on everything I could if it were acceptable). I picked out the cutest picture that I thought would be fitting for the invite (I wasn't 100% happy with the pic, but it was the best one I had at the time). I used blue in the invite because, let's face it, how could you not include blue for a boy's christening? Green worked with it nicely and to be honest, beachy blues and greens always seem to work so well together. They're a constant scheme in our lives (our wedding, our home) and the restaurant we were having his party at afterwards is beachy and driftwood paneled - it just seemed obvious. I slapped it all together with some of my go-to fonts and voila! Goose's baptism invite! And voila! Here it is...

I apologize that you can't read the info well or hardly at all. Doesn't matter, you don't need to be that much up in my bid-ness anyway.

To finish off the final product I placed them four on a page in Word, printed them out on cardstock (I got a shitton back when I was wedding planning/creating, don't remember where from) and cut them on the paper cutter. I had already ordered two 50-per-pack of these envelopes from Amazon (hello 2 day free shipping!) for about $11 each, since we had a little less than 100 invites to send out (and this was a "small" party - don't ask). Once all the envelopes were stuffed, I printed out labels with our friends' and families' addresses on each, along with one containing our return address and then out they went (of course they had stamps, duh).

In total, I spent about $22 for almost 100 invites for the Goose's baptism (cardstock was free since we already had it on hand and I thought I would be a nice momma and not charge for my hard work). Pretty impressive considering something similar (a photo invite that's predesigned) in that amount would run us about $80 + tax and shipping. Stamps would be the same for each and the price of them PISE me off, so let's not go there. (pise? anyone get the reference? No? Click here. bahaha.)

I am truly doubtful, but if there's anyone else out there who lacks the skills in Photoshop or Illustrator or those other proper programs, but is interested/curious in how I do what I do and wants to know how, just comment below and I'd be happy to drive you crazy explaining how I do it.
And if you're willing to offer any advice for attaining skills in the cool-kid programs, also feel free to do so.

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