Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Can't Leave You Hangin'

Today, I was browsing through some of my own, older, posts. It's clear that I have an affinity for saying "more to come" or "that's for a later post", without actually getting back to those items. In noticing that, I  thought it would be appropriate to address or update you on all overdue or forgotten items. It's not short, so I'm gonna jump right in . . .

*Towards the middl-ish-end-ish of this post, I mention the "money-making" aspect of our house and how it was pretty much the reason why we bought it. So without pictures (maybe I'll get them up someday?) here's the rundown: Our little bungalow has an attick. Barely. The previous owner turned this attick into an illegal rental apartment back in the day. It comes complete with a seperate heat zone and plumbing for a bathroom and kitchenette, but also with a pulldown ladder/staircase granting you access from within the house. There is also what has now come to be known as the "phantom door" on the second level on the outside of our house where the exterior staircase entry was. The staircase has since been taken down, but the door remains (can I add that we STILL haven't so much as found a deadbolt for that door - it's literally unlocked, ready to open with the twist of the doorknob). Basically, our thought was that this home already had some of the work done for a second story. All the other homes in our price range at our location didn't offer a whole lot. This home had "potential". We had already liked the layout of the main living area, but this added space and potential was definitely what sold us. Our plans for this space include a ton of work (including modifying our master bath and/or other rooms on the first level in order to build the interior staircase), but definitely not as much if we would have had to start completely from scratch. We decided that we would do all the renovations for the staircase and upstairs within the first few months of moving in, but that was before we knew the Goose was on his way. As you might know, babies = $$$. And our $$$ planned for that renovation went to a "family friendly" car. And then we needed to rip off and replace the roof. And then Mike got hurt and was slated to have surgery, leaving him unable to do any hard labor, therefore leaving him unable to bring in family/friends/contractor firehouse buddies to help in the renovations (this was going to be a DIY renovation for as much of the process we could manage). And time out of work also meant less overtime hours at work (which = $$$). And then I got all selfish and went part time to start pursuing a new career. In short, life happened. And now here we are, a year and half later, with no renovations in near sight. It's upsetting, but it is what it is. We're making do with the space we have, and in the meantime, the attick is just that - storage space.

*Mentioned here, the Delilah plates from C&B:

    Here's the update, or lack thereof: Because the yellow ones were no longer available online, I visited the two closest stores to work and home. Neither had the yellow plates, and even the other three colors were a little sparse. So it seems this decor plan might be a bust. I 'm still in luuurrvve with these plates and still want them to hang. In case you're wondering, it's all or nothing. No yellow plates, no plates at all. The blue, teal and green aren't enough for me without the yellow and I won't buy those unless I buy the yellow first/simultaneously. I guess I'll have to hit up the outlet for a try, but the closest one is almost 2 hours away and I'm not normally this dedicated to decor. We'll see. If you see two of these yellow plates online for a reasonable price, let a sistah know. (and worth mentioning:  the last look I took, C&B replaced the yellow plates on the website with super cute red ones. If I had some red decorating to do, I'd be sold)

    *The Goose's curtains. See that orange fabric? It is still just fabric. End of update. (I'm the worst!) 

    *The Goose's baptism pics. I seriously, seriously swear that I have a post all ready to go, save for one damn picture that was taken on my point and shoot. The delay? The camera cord for said point and shoot is nowhere to be found. Why not post without that one damn pic? Well I could. Easily. But that one damn pic has more than one detail I want to show you, so I feel like the post is incomplete without it. Ya know? If I don't find that cord by the end of the week I'll hit the publish button on the post, sans damn pic, K?

    I actually thought that list would be longer, but that just about covers it, I think. There's more things going on 'round here, but you know damn well that I'm not catching myself telling you "more to come" ever again. Ever.


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