Plain and simple, we're f*cked. In a coincidental turn of events, we have a wedding upstate this weekend. One of M's best friends from highschool and college. He's in the wedding, so it cannot be missed (plus it should be fun). We planned on have Jonanna and Grandpa stay at our house to take care of the Goose and watch Bailey, but that's out. So the plan of action is to grab our shiiit, our kid, our dog, and go. Luckily, M's sister, Aunt Jaimie, lives about 20 minutes from the wedding venue and has offered to cut her camping trip a day short to come home and watch the Goose while we take the night off. Thank God for family.
As we speak, Jonana and Uncle Peter are helping M to batten down the hatches at home (and hope to hell that some of the battening works). Then Jonana and Uncle Pete are heading back to Jonana's house to partay, and I'm leaving work early to take over hurricane prep at home with M (he's still recouping from his surgery, kid needs halpppp). We'll swing by Jonana's to pick up the Goose, head upstate tonight while he heads off to snoozetown in his carseat. It will probably be more than the usual 4 hours, what with everyone gettin' outta dodge, but we just think it's the best scenario. M is also missing the rehearsal and dinner tonight, but I hope the couple will understand. We'll be putting our freezer stash of milk in a cooler with dry ice (is it abnormal that this is my number one worry of this hurricane, losing my freezer stash?) and turning off the gas and electric. Effin serious ish, people.
Ultimately, we just pray that Irene calms down and goes a little bit easier on us than we're preparing for. Our little bungalow can't really withstand her power, and neither can most of our neighbors houses (our whole damn town to be quite frank). I just ask for your thoughts and prayers, peeps. Not just for our home, but for those not fortunate enough to have a place to go, or who can't prepare their home. It's gonna get scary and I just hope there's as minimal damage as God is willing. To my fellow East Coasters, good luck and be safe. All else, have a great weekend! I hope to report back soon...
But before I go, blanks time! Join me and Lauren over at her place, The Little Things We Do.

1. One of life's most simple pleasures is a childs laughter.
2. Rude/inconsiderate people make me want to punch someone (said rude person, obviously).
3. I like chocolate because, well, it’s chocolate. Duh.
4. exacerbated is a funny word.
5. If I had to choose one beauty product to use for the rest of eternity it would be mascara.
6. I'm happy that we have a wedding tomorrow .
7. I would never be naked in public .